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Sunday, December 1st

7:30 am - Rosary and Sacrament of Reconciliation
8:00 am - Mass - First Sunday of Advent
Mass Intention:  †Betty Meyer

Tuesday, December 3rd

6:00 pm - Knights of Columbus meeting (in parish hall)

Wednesday, December 4th

9:00 am - Lectio Divina (in parish hall)
3:30 pm - Religious Education (regular class schedule)
5:00 pm - Mass
Mass Intention:  †Rita Witkowski and †Robert Gurzynski

Thursday, December 5th

4:30 pm - Mass
Mass Intention:  ††Doris and Merritt Johnson
5:15 pm - Holy Hour with Sacrament of Reconciliation
6:15 pm - Lectio Divina (in parish hall)

Saturday, December 7th

9:00 am to 2:00 pm - PCCW Christmas Bazaar

Sunday, December 8th

7:30 am - Rosary and Sacrament of Reconciliation
8:00 am - Mass - Second Sunday of Advent
Mass Intention:  Pro Populo - for the people
9:00 am - Fellowship Sunday (in parish hall)
4:00 pm - Mass - Vigil of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mass Intention:  Lon Krause - healing


Sunday, December 15th

9:00 am - Anointing after Mass

Wednesday, December 25th

8:00 am - Mass - The Nativity of the Lord

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